Holtze Population (NT)

In 2011 there were 1064 people living in Holtze. 85.5% are male and 14.5% are female. Holtze has a population of 42 indigenous people.

Holtze Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females131.2%
Indigenous Males292.7%
Indigenous Population423.9%
Females born in Australia12211.5%
Males born in Australia78673.9%
People born in Australia90885.3%
Female Population15414.5%
Male Population91085.5%
Total Population1064100%

Holtze (NT) Population Pyramid

Holtze Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 450.5%30.3%80.8%
5 - 1490.8%121.1%212.0%
15 - 1911210.5%131.2%12511.7%
20 - 2447945.0%373.5%51648.5%
25 - 3418317.2%232.2%20619.4%
35 - 44524.9%161.5%686.4%
45 - 54343.2%212.0%555.2%
55 - 64262.4%212.0%474.4%
65 - 7470.7%80.8%151.4%
75 - 8430.3%00.0%30.3%